My daughters were using a website called xtramath to practice sums. It's a very nice website were lots of different sums are shuffled and asked - with time to answer, which works nice to memorize, but not to calculate.
Thinking about that, I decided to write an alternative to it without timeout and quick to write.
My plans are:
I'm using the shuffling algorithm from last post (Bingo - shuffling the balls)
That was easy, let's get going.
First, let's read a number from stdin. I don't want to ask forever, therefore we need an exit condition.
def get_number(s, exit_cond):
while( True ):
string = raw_input(s)
if exit_cond(string):
return None
return int(string)
print 'Not a number. Try again'
Now we can simply read this number using a lambda as exit condition
exit_cond = lambda x: x in {'q', 'quit', 'leave', 'exit'}
number = get_number('Choose the number you want to practice sum: ', exit_cond)
So far, so good. Now for each number from 1 to 10, I need to ask the result of the question
I do not want to ask a question and give a single try. I am going to ask three times before consider it wrong. IMPORTANT: range(1, 4) in python is goes from 1 to 3
def ask_question(m, n, exit_cond):
for i in range(1, 4):
result = get_number(str(m) + ' + ' + str(n) + ' = ', exit_cond)
if result == None:
return -1
if result == (m+n):
print 'Correct !'
return 1
print 'Wrong. try again!'
return 0
And the main function was basically the following
operands = shuffler.shuffle_numbers(range(1, 11))
count = 0
for operand in operands:
ret = ask_question(number, operand, exit_cond)
if ret == -1:
count += ret
print ''
The first version was monochromatic and boring. I decided to make it colourful.
With a quick search in stack overflow, I found some patterns to write decorated text to console:
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
Now I just have to add some colourful text
print bcolors.HEADER + bcolors.UNDERLINE + 'Welcome to the Thiago\'s super sum practice!' + bcolors.ENDC
# ....
total = len(operands)
if count < (int(total * .7)):
print bcolors.WARNING + 'Try harder. You got only', count, 'correct answers' + bcolors.ENDC
print bcolors.OKGREEN + bcolors.UNDERLINE + 'Congratulations. You got', count, 'correct answers!' + bcolors.ENDC
Now my girls can have lots of fun with some math calculations.
Any comments or questions, compliments ?
Reach me on twitter - @thiedri