One common way to deal with serialised data in C++ is to map to a struct, but in Rust with memory ownership and some smart memory optimizations, it is a little more complicated.
For example, let's say a producer in C++ serialises this message:
struct book_msg {
uint8_t major_version, // byte 0: message major version
uint8_t minor_version, // byte 1: message minor version
uint8_t msg_type, // byte 2: message type
uint8_t title[20] // byte 3-23: title of the book
// ....
auto msg = create_msg();
comm.send(&msg, sizeof(book_msg));
How can we deserialise that in Rust?
Rust does not guarantee that the order of the struct arguments is maintained, so we need to use #[repr(C, packed)]
to tell the compiler that the order of the arguments has to be maintained
#[repr(C, packed)]
struct BookMsg {
pub major_version: u8, // byte 0: message major version
pub minor_version: u8, // byte 1: message minor version
pub msg_type: u8, // byte 2: message type
pub title: [u8; 20] // byte 3-23: title of the book
Let's say we received:
// 013854546865205369676e206f662074686520466f7572 in hex
let msg_vec: Vec<u8> = comm.recv();
to map this vector to a struct, we need to violate rust safe guarantees as rust cannot verify in compile time that the struct maps to the vector size and data types.
Explanation of those 2 lines:
*const u8
to *const Msg
let msg_bytes: *const u8 = msg_vec.as_ptr();
let mapped_msg: &BookMsg = unsafe { &*(msg_bytes as *const BookMsg) };
Beware. When accessing parts of the message, it's better to copy the value to an external variable to avoid memory aligning issues.
let major = mapped_msg.major_version;
let minor = mapped_msg.minor_version;
let msg_type = msg.msg_type;
let title = msg.title;
// Result:
// msg version=1.56, type=84
// msg title="The Sign of the Four"
#[repr(C, packed)]
to ensure the layout is preserved